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Healthiest Town Food Project

As you will read, the science shows that what we eat has a huge impact on our health and wellbeing. Food also has a huge impact on our environment. The Healthiest Town project has a number of projects running with the aim of promoting food for people and planet. We aim to:

  • Encourage and enable people to eat real, local food. Generally speaking food that is made in a factory is less healthy for people and planet that anything made in a kitchen.

  • Reduce food waste. The carbon footprint of food and food waste is huge.

Our Projects

Our projects include:

  • Open Gate Festival 23 August to 1 Sept 2024.  Open farms and gardens, workshops and events.

  • Too Good To Waste. Reducing food waste locally.

  • Cooking workshops

  • Food workshops

  • Local growing

  • Local food network

  • Tool library food equipment

  • Social supermarket healthier options

  • Schools activities

  • Stalls and promotion


If you'd like to get involved or know more we'd love to hear from you! 

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